All Sinner No Saint Bonus Content

Bonus Scene

The second Ama began howling, I darted outside. My daughter did not scream. She was a born lady, to the point where I didn’t know where the fuck she’d come from. Whatever Ryan had done to her, making her all bookish and shit, he’d done a good job.
All these years on, with two roughhousing brothers and more daddies than a girl should have to deal with come puberty, Ama still retained a gentility about her that perplexed me.
My boys could make a nun curse, but Ama? Nope. She had the patience of a saint.
When I rushed outside and saw Saint wiping Ama’s cheeks free from tears as she hopped up and down on one foot, leaning against Keys for support, I had to sigh at the sight.
My men were totally in denial if they thought that their relationship wasn’t heading elsewhere. I could see myself in Ama, and could see my men in hers. Of course, they were still boys to me, but to themselves, with their straggly beards that were starting to grow in? They were men. They were already harping at Dagger to let them become Prospects… like that was going to happen.
“What the fuck happened?” I barked when Ama kept on howling.
“She twisted her ankle,” Keys snapped, revealing exactly how panicked he was with that one statement. No one talked to me like that. No one. Not without losing their balls, at any rate.
The fact that his fear was for my baby was the only reason I accepted it, and I cut him a look and demanded, “Come on. Let’s get you inside.”
I was turning into a First Aid pro. Never in my life had I envisaged how many times kids could twist their wrists or snap their ankles. If I hadn’t learned the basics, we’d be living at the Urgent Care Unit and fuck, no one had time for that shit.
My help wasn’t needed though, I could see that. For a second, I pitied Ama.
They were looking at her like she was a wishbone they wanted to snap in two so they could both carry her. Saint was stronger, though. He was the elder, after all, and Keys conceded with a purse of his lips—that there made me love the kid a little bit more. If he could forgo his ego, his pride, for Ama’s benefit? Then I knew he was perfect for her.
Saint carefully swept Ama into his arms—so gently that I didn’t even have to say ‘be careful’ to him. Not once. Of course, unluckily for him, the second he carried her, Wolfe came barreling out of the clubhouse and began running like he had a gun to his head. When he saw Ama in Saint’s arms, his cheeks turned bright red and he rushed over to her, snatching her away and huddling her against his chest like she was a baby.
It astonished me how, with four daddies to maneuver, Ama remained a daddy’s girl. I knew that in her shoes, I’d have rebelled like fuck, but not her. Not my little saint. The second she was in Wolfe’s arms, she began bawling for real. Looping her hands about his neck, she cuddled into him, and her reaction as well as Wolfe’s outright panic at the noises our daughter was making had me stating, “We should take her to the doctor’s.”
Ama stopped crying at that. “No, it’s okay, momma. I-I—”
“Hush, baby girl,” Wolfe grated out, his voice low and raspy enough to make every nerve ending in my body stand on edge. My daughter was hurting and he still had the power to make me react to him. Of course, I was accustomed to the reaction so I didn’t focus on it. Had no need to. This was life for me.
Whenever I was with arm’s reach of any of my men, I was aware of them.
“What happened?” Wolfe ground out, his gaze flickering over to the boys who began fidgeting.
“N-Nothing, Daddy,” she stuttered, making me cock a brow at her answer because the boys, shuffling around like they were, hadn’t been up to nothing.
“Saint? Keys?” Wolfe ground out. “What. Were. You. Doing?”
I winced on their behalf, because that right there was the voice of the Prez, and no way in fuck did you not reply. Shit, you didn’t say a fucking word that wasn’t the truth either.
Saint reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. “She wanted to try something.”
“Try what?” I inserted, surprised despite myself. I headed over to them, rested a hand on Ama’s shoulder and gently squeezed her. “It’s okay. You won’t be in trouble.”
I had to admit I was thinking they’d been doing something sex-wise. I knew at her age I’d have played around with my men, so why shouldn’t my daughter?
But her cheeks burned hotly as she cut me a look under her lashes. “Mom! No!”
Of course, I wasn’t sure how making out with two guys could lead to a twisted ankle, but shit, kids were inventive, weren’t they?
I knew I sure as hell had been.
“What were you doing?” Wolfe rumbled, hitting every single nerve ending in my body and making it sing.
She cleared her throat. “There are tryouts at school.”
“Tryouts?” I repeated in astonishment. “Tryouts? For what?”
Licking her lips, she ducked her head, hiding her expression from me. “Cheerleading.”
I blinked at that. My daughter? The MC Princess? Wanted to be a fucking cheerleader?
“I’m pretty sure I’d have preferred to hear that you were making out on the lawn,” I admitted drily.
A fucking cheerleader?
All wavy blond hair and make up?
And then, when I thought about it, I knew why the guys were fidgeting.
Ama had one of those skirts on that was made out of a T-shirt fabric. If they’d been whirling her around, they’d have been able to see up it.
That same thought seemed to have registered in Wolfe’s mind too, because his face turned dark red. Jesus, I thought he was about to have a heart attack! When he stormed off without another word, I let him, just watched him carefully take Ama into the house.
Cutting the boys a look, I muttered, “I’d get out of here if I were you.”
Saint straightened his shoulders. “We didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Her daddies are more protective than a Momma Bear defending her cubs. They ain’t gonna like you staring at our baby girl’s panties.”
“It was only once!” Keys burst out, and I had to hide a smile at that.
Ah, the folly of youth.
“Well, once is too many for them.” I pursed my lips to keep the smile at bay, then when he looked forlorn, I just sighed.
They loved her.
It was on their faces. Etched into each feature, burning hotly in their eyes. And Ama? She needed them just as much as they needed her. They were all, in their own way, a little lost. Ama had family who adored her, but what that fucker had done to her had set her back, made her quieter, less buoyant than she should have been. She needed these boys to protect her, keep her safe from herself…
The guys might not like it, but I did. I liked them for her.
Placing a hand on each of their shoulders, I knew I still had it because they tensed up worse than when Wolfe had growled at them. Part of me wanted to preen—when a woman had kids, some might think she grew softer, but their response told me I was just as much a firecracker as ever—but then another part just registered what these boys were to me now and what they’d become in the future.
Squeezing their shoulders, I murmured, “You ever hurt Ama, you know I’ll have your dicks, right?” When they tensed, flashing each other quick glances, I tutted under my breath. “Don’t look to the other for moral support, just heed my warning. You hurt her, make her cry, ever think about cheating on her—I won’t just have your dicks, I’ll feed them to you. You get me?”
Saint cleared his throat. “Got you, Lucie.”
“Good.” I cut Keys a look, and his shoulders hunched.
“Understood, Lucie.”
“Fine. As long as we all know where we stand. Ama is special—”
“We know that already,” Keys said defiantly. “She’s the bravest, most beautiful girl in the whole world and—”
“There a reason you’re waxing poetical about my baby?”
The deadly purr combined with the way he thrust his arm over my belly and hauled my butt against his cock was enough to plunk me back on planet Earth.
Looking over my shoulder, I warned him, “I got this.”
“You do, huh?” Flame snorted at me, but then his amber eyes—raptor’s eyes—turned onto the boys and if they’d been pink before at my words, then they blanched at Flame.
Okay, so I didn’t pack as much of a punch as Flame did, but sweet fuck, who did?
Well, aside from Dagger. Axe and Wolfe were terrifying, but I think the boys were used to being growled at by them. Dagger and Flame stayed out of things. Not on purpose, but I knew they didn’t want to crowd Ama.
“You hurt her, she won’t just feed you your dicks, I’ll feast on every ounce of you that’s going.”
Keys’ bottom lip trembled for a second, then his defiance surged to the fore once more. “We won’t ever hurt her, sir. Never, ever.”
“Never ever is a long time,” Flame reasoned softly. “We hurt her momma, and we said we never would. It’s to our good fortune that our dicks are still in place—”
“My good fortune, too,” I said drily, making Flame chuckle as he pulled me into him once more.
“Well, we deserved to be skinned for how we hurt you, turned our backs on you, so it’s dumb luck we’re still around. You do anything like that—”
“Sir? I know you have to warn us. I really get that. I do, but Ama’s hurting and she needs us.”
That Saint interrupted Flame? That he straightened his shoulders and looked him square in the eye the way he did?
Fuck if I didn’t fall in love with the boy on my daughter’s behalf.
Talk about a knight just waiting to save her. Sure, his armor wasn’t shining, but I’d take rust and grit any day over polish and charm.
“Go to her,” I said softly, watching as they shot each other a look of relief then darted off to go and find Ama.
“What’s wrong with Amaryllis?” Axe demanded, and I peered at him, saw he was heading toward us with Dagger at his side.
“How the hell did you hear that?”
Crossing the patch of yard that separated the clubhouse from our home, they were far away enough to hear shit. Squinting at them suspiciously, I felt Flame’s rumbling laugh before he murmured, “Ama’s howl was enough to wake the dead.”
“Were the boys to blame?” Axe demanded, bristling instantly, and as I stared at him, stared at my man, my men, I had to sigh.
“I’m so glad you’re not my fathers.”
Dagger broke to a halt at that. “Huh?”
“I’m really fucking glad I’m not your daddy,” Axe spluttered. “That’s just nasty.”
My lips twisted. “Just saying it how it is. You’d drive me insane. I’m glad Bomber was a piece of shit, deadbeat father. Meant we could get away with shit, but we have to watch Ama and the boys. I don’t want us to overprotect her to the point they never have a chance to make a claim on her.”
Axe’s brow furrowed. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying, Lucie, because if you are—”
“If I am, what?” I retorted softly, dangerously. It was my ‘don’t fuck with me’ tone of voice. “She needs them.”
Flame sighed. “She’s right. Ama does need them.”
Dagger winced. “She’s only a baby—”
“A baby with bigger tits than me!” I retorted, stacking my hands on my hips. “She’s becoming a woman. Don’t be blindsided. I don’t want to discourage things when they’re so good for her. What we do need to discourage is this cheerleading shit.” My scowl darkened. “My daughter ain’t gonna be on no cheerleading squad.” I sniffed. “We’ve got standards.”
At my words, there was silence, then my guys started snickering. Flame’s chuckle resonated in my ear, making the hair stand up at the back of my neck as the sensation whispered through me.
“What?” I grumbled, not in any mood to be turned on. I had to sort Ama’s ankle out—
“Just you, baby girl,” Flame rasped, pressing a kiss to the side of my head, then letting his lips trace up to kiss my temple. Fuck me, he packed a punch with those tiny kisses, making me feel shit I didn’t have time to feel right about now.
Just when I thought my ovaries were going to melt, I knew they were done for when Axe stepped over to me, Dagger too, putting me in the center of their triangle, my favorite place in the entire fucking world. There was nowhere better than being in the epicenter of their attention, surrounded by their scent—leather, motor oil, and aftershave—and being pressed between three erections was nothing to sniff at either.
“Only you’d be okay with our daughter having two boyfriends but hate the fact that she wants to be a cheerleader,” Axe stated, a low, intimate chuckle slipping from him.
My bottom lip popped out in a pout. “Standards,” I repeated. “Plus, you know how many cheerleaders get felt up by football players?”
When their faces darkened, scowls appearing on their brow, I knew I had their support.
Shit, maybe what I wanted for my daughter was unorthodox, but that was us, wasn’t it?
We were Hell’s Rebels. Born to rebel against the norm, and we’d do so until the day we fucking died.

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