Triskele (PNR Why Choose)

Series: Trialpha Chronicles Audiobooks (PNR RH) #2
Release Date: September 19, 2018
Genre: Paranormal Why Choose Romance

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The Fates wanted more for her, now she's got to man up to tackle the future they've handed her...

Thalia Lyndhoven's got balls.

Well, not literally. But she has the cojones to do what needs to be done to make things right in her Pack. Nor is she afraid to dirty her hands or push her nose in where angels would fear to tread.

Speaking of...

With two of her three mates at her side, Thalia's life has never been brighter. For the first time, she's hopeful for tomorrow. She's freer than she's ever been, even if she does have the burden of a prophecy riding on her coattails.

In walks mate number three. Not only does he have wings, a beautiful face, and an attitude, he has news.

A SECOND prophecy.

Seems like Thalia's just an overachiever when it comes down to the Doomsday stuff. For the first time, she's not excited to have her final mate at her side. This one comes bearing gifts that no one would ever ask for, and with a tale that rewrites history as the world knows it.

Man, Lyken, and Fae.

The combined power of her males means something, Thalia just has to figure out what that may be, all while absorbing her new role as Triskele - a Royal Enforcer for the Pack.

She's never been safer with her three males at her side, but she's never been in more danger either... Will she prevail? Or will she fail in her duties, not just to Lykenkind but the Fae too?

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