Bonus Scene
“‘I’ve been thinking about this, sugar tits. And you and me, our DNA would cross over perfectly and the world needs more of you—’” Breaking off, I shook my head. “Nah. I can’t call her sugar tits. Not when I’m asking her to be the mother of my baby. ‘Look, Lily, I think your pussy is my home and I’d like to put an embryo in there?’”
Nyx groaned. “Why are you talking to me about this?!”
I shoved him in the arm. “Who did you come whining to when Giulia’s nipple almost fell off, huh? I had to learn that. So you can help me—”
“—almost lose your Old Lady’s nipple too?”
“Yeah.” I beamed at him. “That.”
“You never let slip that I told you about that, did you?” Nyx asked, his tone worried.
“I like my balls firmly where they are,” I retorted. “So, no. Didn’t even tell Lily.”
“Thought you told her most shit. Even the shit Rex tells you not to share with her.”
I hitched a shoulder. “Been thinking about kids for a while. Didn’t want to put her off and, trust me, learning things that are attached to you can fall off is hella disturbing.”
He cast me a glance. “What’s with you right now? Never figured you’d be broody.”
“I’m not a hen!” I complained.
“Sure as fuck look like one to me. Just tell her you want her to be your baby momma.”
“Lily is not a baby momma!” I gasped. “Her shit comes out peppered with gold nuggets.”
“I don’t wanna know how you fucking know that.”
“She’s a pedigree and…” I sighed. “I’m a fucking mongrel. Ten parts mutt, two parts criminal, fifty parts bullshit.”
“Is that what this is about?” Nyx groaned again. “Oh, Jesus, Link. Go and talk to Storm or Rex about this crap. I can’t deal with this. You don’t measure up to her. That’s fine. She hasn’t thrown your ass out of that mansion yet and seems pretty happy to me. I’m not the pep-talk brother, you feel me?”
“That’s why I need you, Nyx,” I pleaded. “You won’t blow hot air up my ass.”
“No, I won’t go anywhere near your ass because you’d probably like it.”
I grabbed his arm. “Tell me what to say to her.”
His shoulders slumped. “I should never have woken up today. This is what I get for skipping out of the house before it was time to go to kindergarten. Are you sure you even want kids? They’re nosy little fuckers. You get no privacy and sex, when it happens, is always in weird places—”
“What do you mean weird? Like alleyways and shit?”
“No, I don’t mean fucking alleyways! I mean like on top of the washing machine or in the garage or against the vanity—you know, places little eyes aren’t interested in.” He grimaced. “Though Samael’s terrified of the washing machine now, because he thinks it screams.”
Clapping a hand on his back, I hooted. “Man, he’ll be scarred for life. He’ll tell his Old Lady that he’s scared of it and she’ll think he’s being a misogynist and, really, his folks traumatized him.”
Nyx grimaced. “It’s disturbingly easy to traumatize them. Honestly, last week, I told him to finish his sandwich and then Giulia said to me that we should let him eat what he wants to the point that he wants otherwise we’ll give him an eating disorder.”
“Can you give someone an ED?’
“I don’t fucking know, man. She’s read ten books about it since that scare Storm and Keira had with Cyan. Remember, they thought she was bulimic but, really, she was scared she was pregnant and thought throwing up would get the baby out.”
I shook my head. “That’s what you get for teaching kids abstinence only.”
“Right? Giulia told me I’m telling the kids about sex as soon as she has to deal with one crusty sock.” He pulled a face. “Honestly, you sure you want one? Screw traumatizing them, I’m the one who’s traumatized.”
I shot him a dopey grin. “Fuck off. You love it.”
His answering grin was sheepish. “Yeah. I do. Wouldn’t change it. Aside from…” His grin morphed into a smirk. “The first time you deal with a blowout, you call me, huh?”
“A blowout? That, like, a party or something?”
“Oh, you sweet summer child,” he crooned, then dipped his chin at the stop light. “That’s been green for the past five minutes.”
Peering behind me and seeing the line of impatient traffic, I shrugged. “Oh, that was what they were getting mad about.”
“Yeah, something like that,” was Nyx’s sardonic retort.
“See you at the clubhouse, brother.”
“I’m going home. I need to apologize to Giulia and ask her to fuck my brains out so that I can delete this conversation from my memory.”
As he kicked his hog into gear, I shouted, “You told me you skipped out on kindergarten today. You’ll need to apologize first!”
I cackled when he groaned but we veered off from the stop light just before it turned red, leaving the cars behind us to wait a little longer.
On the ride over to the clubhouse, my mind raced with how to broach this conversation.
I’d been thinking about kids for a while now. Not because I was a hen, like Nyx claimed, but because what I felt for Lily was so big, I figured I needed to siphon some off healthily into a mini her. Spread the adoration. I never figured I’d fall for someone as hard as I did for her and I’d always wrapped up my dick so children hadn’t felt like something I was even contemplating, but Lily had changed my brain chemistry.
As my tires squealed when I took the turn to the clubhouse, I said out loud, “‘Lily, did you know that when you get pregnant, part of the father’s DNA settles in your body? How do you feel about carrying a part of me with you all the time?’” I grimaced. “Nah, that just sounds fucking creepy.”
When I pulled up outside the gates, Priest waved at me before he raised the barrier. “Your Old Lady’s out back. She told me to tell you.”
“There a party going on?”
He pulled a face. “Giulia went to town on some ex-clubwhores.”
“Ah, fuck. I missed it?”
“It was a bloodbath.”
Disappointed, I snagged my phone from my leather jacket and tapped out:
Me: Giulia’s at the clubhouse, brother. She evicted some clubwhores. You might not have to beg to get within a five-mile radius of her snatch
His reply was pretty immediate
Nyx: Wondered why the house was peaceful. Tell her I’ll be there in a half hour
Me: Yup.
I informed Priest, “Nyx is incoming. Been any trouble today?”
“Nah. Just a bunch of kids snooping.”
“How old?”
“Fourteen or so.”
“Ah, the Sinners’ urban legend continues.”
Priest grinned. “It’s what brought me here.”
I held out my fist for him to bump then entered the compound.
Leaving my hog at the front, I tapped the body with a loving hand then rounded the building itself and used my ears in the hunt for my Old Lady. With all the cackling going on, it wasn’t hard to locate her.
When I found the bulk of the council’s Old Ladies gathered in a loose circle, all on lawn chairs, a massive cooler between them that Amara appeared to be the keeper of, I smirked.
Lily was lolling back in a way that told me she was four spiked seltzers deep. Her head was resting on the backrest, using it like a hammock and her first sight of me was from upside down.
How her eyes lit up was the reason for my massive smile.
Fuck, what she did to me.
As I strode over to her, she hollered, “Link!”
“Sugar tits,” I greeted, gracing the rest of the women with a wave of my hand.
“I think you should put a baby in me, Link. Right. This. Second.”
I blinked at her.
Well, that was easy enough!
My shoulders straightened. “Really?”
“Yeah!” Her gaze turned dreamy. “Two little blonde angels that’ll drive their daddy crazy—”
“Wait a second! Hell, no! No girls! BOYS, Lily. BOYS. Two girls that look like you?! I’ll die of a heart attack!”
She pouted. “Link!”
“Lily, no. Maybe we shouldn’t have kids,” I backtracked. “I’ll have to murder—”
“Like don’t do that anyway,” Amara groused as she passed me a water. “No alcohol for you. Destroys quality sperm.”
I glanced at the bottle of water in my hand. “Are you shitting me?”
“No. You old man now. Geriatric sperm—”
“Fuck off! I’m in my forties.”
“Lily young. You old,” Amara continued like the robot she was.
“Well, that’s it, babe. We can’t have kids.” When Giulia just snorted and Lily sent me puppy-dog eyes, I turned to the lesser of two evils, a thought I never figured I’d have when comparing my Old Lady to Nyx’s. “What’s a blowout?”
Giulia’s brow puckered. “Why do you want to know?”
“Nyx told me to call him the first time it happened to me.”
A smile curled the corners of her mouth up. “He did, huh? Where is he? That fucker was supposed to take Samael to kindergarten today.”
“He’s on his way. Said he’d be here in a half-hour. Why was he supposed to take Samael? Thought he cried if you weren’t with him,” I reasoned as I lifted Lily from her seat, stole it, then plunked her on my knee.
As she started sucking on my throat, in public, I upped my guesstimate from four spiked seltzers to six. That shit was better than me fixing a leaking faucet to get her this riled-up. For a prissy princess, she sure loved it when I went all manual Mr. DIY on her.
Giulia scowled. “I wanted my nails done but whenever Nyx drops Samael off, he has a tantrum. Because my bozo baby daddy figured he got a choice about dealing with that today, he skipped out like a schmuck. Oooh, he needs to wait until I get him back for this.”
Leaving Giulia to fixate on the myriad ways she’d punish her beloved Old Man, I tried to detach my throat from Lily’s mouth.
“Jeez, Lily, you got a Dyson in there?” I teased. “If you do, you’re wasting it on the wrong spot.”
Her eyes were still hazy as she pulled back. “Don’t you want to fuck me full of your cum, Link?”
I blinked at that. “Whaaa—”
“You can fuck me raw. Pump all that seed into me—”
I gulped. “Lily, I mean—”
“Can’t you picture it? How good it’ll feel when you fuck it into me?”
We’d rarely gone bareback since she learned she was allergic to the basic contraceptives.
“Lily,” I pleaded. “Don’t say shit like that.”
“Why not?” she purred, turning on my lap so she was straddling me.
When the flimsy lawn chair tipped back, there was a bunch of hoots from the women around us, but I didn’t mind.
Not when Lily, deep in my ear, proved that she was the woman for me with a whispered, “When a woman gets pregnant, part of the father’s DNA collects in her body. Don’t you want a part of you to be inside me all the time?”
With a surge of action that proved nothing was geriatric about me, I raced us over to the clubhouse.
I needed to put a male embryo in my woman. Stat.
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