14th: Link’s having a bit of feelings on this Valentine’s Day!
6th: *GASP* A duet narration audiobook for how much?
30th: Can anyone help me with my new hobby?
3rd: Wanna catch up with Rex and Rachel?
16th: How about a free book? But you gotta hurry!
9th: How about a 99 pennies deal on an audiobook to ease us into the new year?
3rd: Publishing Updates!

31st: Happy New Year from me and the … (open to find out!)
29th: How does one free book a month sound?
24th: ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas O’Donnelly Style!
14th: Do you miss Liam?
25th: Silenced is LIVE on Audible! Are you ready for Nikolai’s growl?
10th: Ever wonder what Nikolai’s sexy Russian accent sounds like?
27th: How about a little something for your Boo Basket?
6th: Audio News! The New York Stars are coming to Audible!
5th: Won’t you stuff your kindle with me?
8th: I may have a surprise for you – Konvos with Kat Volume 1!
4th: BROKEN is LIVE! To celebrate… well come read to find out!
11th: Come and meet Savio!
7th: Limited-number Collector’s Edition of Things Left Unsaid? Step this way!
28th: What? A Serena Akeroyd title coming August 1st?
17th: Have you downloaded Things Left Unsaid yet?
10th: Special TLU NSFW teaser AND a little taste of Tia Louise’s latest!
6th: Let me tell you how it all began…
31st: Come have a look at Pigeon Creek!
23rd: Shhh, I’m sharing secrets!
16th: You won’t guess what I’m listening to…
10th: They are heeeeere! Also, let me help you treat yourself!
26th: I can finally tell you!!!
24th: Come look at these beauties!
10th: What’s next you ask?
26th: The Purrrfect Weekend Read! And a chance at a gift card from Cole!
22nd: Move over Liam, the true book boyfriend has a arrived! – signed Cole
20th: Only 2 days… But here’s a little taste!
11th: How about a little Waiting Game teaser just for my newsletter readers?

30th: What a year it’s been!
21st: Lodestar paperback GIVEAWAY! Open to enter!
18th: Meet Cole and Mia!
11th: Who’s ready for Cole and Mia?
7th: Surprise! Have you seen Lodestar?
27th: Audiobook updates and a couple Freebies? Don’t mind if I do!
29th: Who doesn’t like a freebie?
20th: Have you stuffed your Kindle yet?
14th: Your favourite Bukowski here!
8th: $50 GC GIVEAWAY! Liam and Gracie are live early!
31st: How about a little sexeh taste of Liam and Gracie?
24th: Liam’s filthy mouth, Audiobook sales and Freebies!
15th: Come and meet Liam and Gracie!
10th: Liam and Gracie, who?
4th: You can finally hear them too!
25th: Are you ready to hear Micah and Devlin? And what about Maverick and Alessa?
9th: Have you seen these pretties?
5th: Thank you! ICYMI Silenced is LIVE!
2nd: He’s finally here! Have you met him yet?
26th: Sneak peak at Silenced? Yes please!
23rd: I have Free Books! Who wants Free Books?
11th: You had questions? I have answers!
5th: Are you ready to meet Nikolai?
4th: New: Sneak peak at a spicy scene!
27th: Who will be the lucky one?
20th: Are you curious who The Forgotten Boys Book 1 is about?
16th: How is it mid April already?
24th: How about some free books to read to this weekend?
9th: Can you believe it’s been 5 years?
24th: You can finally meet Cade! Filthy Disciple is LIVE!
16th: Wanna read the prologue of Filthy Disciple?
14th: Who wants a Valentine’s Day gift?
10th: Who’s your book boyfriend Valentine?
26th: It’s FREEBIE time!
24th: Want a piece of candy?
20th: Are you missing the Sinners and the Feckers?
17th: You asked? Well, here they are!

29th: Wanna meet Digger and MaryCat?
22nd: Are you ready to fall to your knees for Cade?
18th: Chapter 1 of Filthy Lies… Are you ready?
9th: Can you help me?
29th: Conor and Star – Breaking News!
24th: Happy Thanksgiving! Plus a couple freebies!
11th: Who wants book money? And other exciting news!
27th: Star, you left me no choice!
18th: Hell Hath No Fury … Do you?
13th: Have you heard Nyx’s voice yet?
6th: Lots of goodies! FREE BOOK NEWS!
29th: Have you met Nicholas yet? He’s waiting for you…
22nd: The Oracle is now live!! Have you downloaded your copy yet?
15th: ONE WEEK! Wanna a sneak peak at chapter 1?
9th: GC giveaway! Finn’s bookbirthday and sale news!
25th: I’m not angry anymore, Star …
18th: Have you downloaded The Consigliere yet?
14th: Do you want a sneak peak at The Consigliere?
30th: Star, are you dead?
18th: Have you met Nicholas?
15th: It’s FREE book time! And other bookish news!
7th: ALL STAR cast for Filthy Secret! Have you heard it yet?
27th: I have a surprise for you!
24th: Can you believe this?
17th: Filthy is FREE! For a limited time!
13th: The Revelation Duet Cover Reveal and $10 Gift Card Giveaway!
9th: Star, I’m coming to get you!
2nd: The King has ascended and he’s giving away a $10 gift card to one lucky reader!
27th: Is Aidan Jr. the sexiest of the Filthy Feckers?
19th: It’s FREE book time!
12th: Star, where are you?
28th: The Heir Finally Has A Voice! Have you heard it yet?
17th: The Grand Finale of A Dark And Dirty Sinners MC Series NJ Chapter is LIVE!
15th: FREE book INSIDE!
10th: Wanna sneak peak at Rachel?
24th: She did you dirty, but there’s a $5 GC giveaway going on so set your eyes on this email
17th: FREE book to celebrate St Paddy’s Day? Don’t mind if I do!
14th: Has The Last Bachelor fallen on your Kindle yet?
10th: 4 Days till The Last Bachelor falls… Wanna read chapter 1?
1st: I have an Eoghan shaped surprise for you! Quick!
24th: Surprise! It’s a DUET! Hurry and come meet RACHEL!
17th: It’s FREE book time again!
14th: They are HERE! Finn, Declan and Brennan for your listening pleasures …
10th: The Five Points Mob Collection Boxset is LIVE! And it’s got some extras you’ve never seen before!
28th: Who wants to hear Luciu?
26th: Hurry I have a FREE book for YOU!
25th: Your ears are not ready for what I have in store for you!
13th: New Years Resolutions…

31st: I couldn’t have done it without you! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
28th: Narrator Announcement for The Oath Duet! Audio Codes to WIN!
22nd: Five Points Mob Collection Surprise Series Announcement! EXCLUSIVE!
18th: Wanna a chance to win 2 paperbacks? His to Hold is LIVE, FREE to read in KU and only 99 pennies!
14th: Hers to Hold LIVE on AUDIBLE! And a sneak peak at His to Hold!
12th: Have you downloaded His To Keep yet? It’s only 99 pennies!
9th: Come read a sneak peak of His To Keep for a chance to win a 10$ Amazon GC!
28th: Open for an exclusive SNEAK peek at Filthy SINNER! A Very Naughty MC Christmas Indeed!
21st: My most anticipated book this year is LIVE! Get Filthy Secret TODAY!
16th: Freebie inside!
13th: Exclusive Sneak Peak at Filthy Secret!
9th: Newsletter EXCLUSIVE PAPERBACK GIVEAWAY! Sneak Peak at Quint Next Gen Covers!
28th: Nyx is FREE! And so much more…
21st: Signed Paperback News!
18th: Audiobook listener? Quintessence Fan? Signed books collector? Do I have some exciting news for you!
23rd: Road trip play list… Can you help?
12th: Hers to keep in audio? YES PLEASE!
5th: The OATH Duet is COMPLETE! To Celebrate… Big giveaway inside!
29th: Have you met Luciu yet? Cause THE DON is LIVE!
22nd: Who wants a copy of Filthy Rich in audio? I’m giving 2 away in here! *hint* *hint*
15th: Have you read The Don’s first chapter?
5th: You ready for a Fecker news filled newsletter?
1st: Are you ready for the redemption story of the summer?
26th: Hurry up to see The new Don in town!
25th: Who wants a sneak peak of Storm?
11th: Can you forgive Storm?
5th: Who is this mysterious man?
27th: Who’s sexy pecks are these?
19th: A New Family Takes On Manhattan! Are you ready for the Valentinis?
4th: 10 MC authors under one cover! Wanna see?
1st: Have you read Filthy yet?
30th: Have you started reading Filthy Hot yet? Want some book money to get it?
1st: I’ve got something special for you!!!
26th: Are you ready to meet the hottest Fecker?
22nd: Guess where I am right now?
25th: Hawk is ready, are you?
17th: What if the Sinners’ were made into a tv series?
12th: 20 books for 99 cents? A Chance to win and IPad Mini? Nyx for 99 cents? Right this way!
26th: Wanna meet Hawk and find out who his lady is?
26th: Giulia here… Wanna see a full body picture of Nyx?
12th: Could you help me help a friend?
11th: Who wants to win an IPAD MINI and a 300$ Gift Card?
2nd: Are you looking for your next audiobook?
29th: Ready to end your week with some FILTHY SEX?
29th: Who wants a paperback copy of Filthy S*x?
22nd: Who wants a Free ebook?

30th: Are you ready to meet Brennan?
24th: Season’s Greetings
15th: Do you need something to warm you up?
12th: Here is a Christmas gift a little early!
10th: Want to know what my secret project is?
25th: Who wants to meet Micah?
24th: Have you picked up your copy of Maverick yet?
19th: Do you want to read the first chapter of Maverick?
12th: Wanna see my Christmas tree?
27th: Who wants a copy of Cruz?
15th: Want some awesome Wolf Shifter stories?
14th: Forgotten and Found is now live…!
9th: Cruz Cover reveal
24th: Cover Reveal Sun Child
15th: Filthy Dark Release
11th: Cover Release Filthy
10th: So much going on! Free book alert!
9th: Giveaway Alert!! Toxic Cover Reveal!!
31st: Moon Child is aliiiive!!
28th: Moon Cover Reveal
27th: Let’s catch up!
18th: Steel Release
13th: So many stories, so little time
4th: Filthy Dark’s Cover Reveal
23rd: Wolf Child Release